MazePattern: Displays a text output that looks like a maze (but is not a maze).LongLoop: A long-running loop that outputs text.GuessTheNumber: Try to guess a number picked by the program.GPIOTune: With a piezo speaker wired to your Pi using the GPIO, this program plays a short tune.GPIOLEDBlink: With an LED wired to your Pi using GPIO, this program makes the LED blink.GPIOButtonLED: With a a button and LED wired to your Pi using the GPIO, this program lights the LED when the button is pressed.GPIOAlarm: With a piezo speaker wired to your Pi using the GPIO, this program makes it sound like an alarm.Based on an IBM PCjr BASIC program from Compute! magazine in March 1986. DragonSweep: A graphics demo that draws a fractal "dragon".DiceRoll: Simulates the rolling of two dice a certain number of times and then tells you how often each dice total amount occurred.BubbleSort: An implemention of the Bubble Sort sorting algorithm.Boxes: A graphics demo that draws 1000 multi-colored boxes of varying sizes on the screen.Press the Stop button on the toolbar to stop the demo.
Bounce: A graphics demo that draws a ball that leaves a multi-colored trail as it bounces around the screen.To look at an example project, click Open in the File menu and go to the Scripts folder in the XojoDojo folder.
Xojo Dojo includes several sample projects to show you some of its commands and capabilities. Xojo Dojo will switch to the Text tab and you'll see the output "Hello, World!".
Type that code and click Run in the toolbar. Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode